Although the majority of our studies are focused on soft contact lens development, we also conduct other studies related to vision and eye health care. Each study has a protocol which will determine how long the study will last, how many visits are required, which assessments are to be performed and how many participants are to be enrolled. JCRC conducts some studies that only require a single visit while others require multiple visits over several weeks or even multiple visits in the same day. We will schedule all study visits up front so that you have plenty of time to prepare.

JCRC operates during normal business hours Monday through Friday. You should remember to bring both your contact lenses and your glasses to each visit as well as any study-related materials provided to you when you enroll in a study.

If this program sounds like something you'd be interested in, please complete the online survey, or contact us at JCRCVisionStudy@iconplc.com or call 1-678-415-3800.


About the participants we seek

  • Soft contact lens wearers
  • Astigmatism (toric) soft contact lens wearers ages 18 and over
  • Multifocal contact lens wearers ages 40 and over
  • Non-contact lens wearers with dry eye symptoms

The staff at Johns Creek Research Clinic are always very friendly and professional. I’ve had the pleasure of participating in many studies throughout the years, and it has always been a pleasant experience.

- Tracy

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